George & Sharon Lee's Photos 2011

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Santa's visits are just beyond the December Page.

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January - February 2011 - NONE

March 2011

March 27, 2011 - Georges last ride on his Harley

April - June 2011 - NONE

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011 - NONE

October 2011 - Halloween at the JOY Senior Center

November 2011 - NONE 

December 2011

Hospital Auxiliary Christmas Banquet

Preparing for Santa's Visits

Life imitating art - note photo on wall

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Oh, it's snowing...





Christmas 2011 Santa Visits Slideshows

Hospital Auxillary Gift Shop - Visit from Santa

Seniors Bowling League - Visit from Santa

Heartfelt Manor - Visit from Santa

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