Janice Rachel Young Glibbery Page

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Some of these photos may appear as duplicates - They may be modifications of/and originals to make for better viewing and/or printing.

Lake Valley
June 1983
Picnic 2001
Emailed 6-30-04

Lake Valley, June 1983 "Salmon Pea Wiggle Dilemma", & Janice & Eric Picnic 2001, 2004 Prom

December 2003

Emailed to us June 30, 2004

Condo Photos, etc. From Janice


In Memory of Sissy Glibbery - May 9, 2013

2013 May Janice, Eric, Princess and Clark

In Memory of Clark Glibbery -July 9, 2013

Duke Glibbery - July 2013

Old family photos uploaded December 2018 (Slideshow of this set)


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